I’m Back!

NO!  I have not completely abandoned my blog!

Life is BUSY.  Working full-time and having two small, active children completely wears me out, thus my writing has taken a back seat…and not the back seat of a car, more like a bus.  I truly don’t know how single mothers do it.  If it weren’t for my gracious, wonderful husband I think I would have had a break down by now.

Life is also very, very good.  Thinking back to 4 or 5 months ago when everything was up in the air, life couldn’t be better.  I still truly love my job, and am reminded each day why I chose to be a social worker.  Aaron and the boys are adjusting well.  Ben has started at his new preschool and is consistently thriving.  The thought that he will begin Kindergarten this fall makes me so sad yet so proud at the same time.

My weekdays consist of waking up at 6am and off to the gym.  I’m training for the Clark Lake Triathlon in July, so swimming, biking, and running workouts rule my week, with weight training in between.  At the office by 8am, and I have a full caseload now so this keeps me busy.  Clients need home visits and assistance with all sorts of other things, then I have to keep up with case notes, filing, and reporting.  Out the door at 5 (hopefully) and home to my crazy family.  The boys are hungry for my attention at this point, but fortunately my wonderful husband usually has dinner cooking so I can hang with them for a while.  After dinner, clean up, short walks if the weather is nice, bathtime and bedtime, the evening flies by.  Then it’s time for me to decompress and spend time with my husband.  This usually doesn’t last long though, I’m usually too exhausted.

Living in Jackson has been peaceful thus far.  I love being able to see my parents and friends that live here more.  I miss Kalamazoo, what a great town.  We still haven’t rented our house out yet, we’ve hired a contractor to do a bit of fix up before we start showing it.  Every time we make a mortgage or utility payment on that beast I cringe.  We hope to start showing it very soon, so if you know anyone who needs to rent a 3-bedroom house in Kzoo, let me know!  It has a newly remodeled kitchen and the bathroom is being mostly remodeled, all new appliances, 1-car attached garage and pole barn in the back yard.  An acre of land with lots of privacy but only 3 miles from town and WMU campus.  I’ll stop now, but seriously we need to get that thing rented!


  1. Terry Willyard said,

    March 24, 2010 at 6:52 pm

    The BLOG is back! I check every couple of days. I understand about that time thing, though – nobody has any extra!

  2. Sonya said,

    April 12, 2010 at 8:36 pm

    you’re back! glad to hear things are good! I’ll pass the info along to serina since she lives in the area, in case she hears of anyone needing to find a place to rent. Good luck with that. 🙂

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