Catching Up

Three months…I haven’t blogged in three months.  I’m not perfect though, and I can catch up!

So what’s been going on these past 3 months?  I’ve been working, spending time with my family, and training for a race.  That’s pretty much it.  Most of that leaves little time for extra stuff.

We’ve been taking full advantage of living in Jackson by spending tons of time with family.  I so missed out on this in Kzoo, and I’m happy.

Silas John turned two a few weeks ago.  It’s always hard to look at your children and imagine them a newborn baby.  Growing from a helpless little being to one who walks, talks, jumps, sings, counts, and says ABC’s is breathtaking.  I am just grateful he is healthy and happy.

Summer has been filled with trips to the lake, park, and family gatherings.  Ben is getting ready for Kindergarten and looking forward to it.  He decided to forgo Tae Kwon Do but is going give soccer a try.  He’s scheduled to go to soccer camp in a few weeks.

I decided to give up on the triathlon for this year.  Swimming just wasn’t coming to me quick enough.  I’m impatient.  I haven’t given up on the idea next year, but plan on starting swimming MUCH earlier so that I have more time to gain the confidence.  Aaron and some of our other friends and family are still competing though and we will be there cheering them on.  I am however officially signed up to run a 12k on August 7th in Clark Lake.

Speaking of Aaron, his website is up and running…visit to see what he’s all about…and don’t be afraid to contact him!  I know I’m biased but he’s good and he loves what he does!!

More later!