Still waiting…

I haven’t heard anything about the job yet.  I do know that they have been calling my references though, so that is good.  Moving along.  I’m dying waiting though, it’s driving me nuts.  I try not to think about it but I can’t help it.

We’re supposed to get a big blast of winter weather over the next few days.  Freezing rain, snow, cold wind.  Even though I don’t really care for it, it’s kind of nice to cozy up in the house when it’s snowy and the roads are bad.

We’re taking the boys to see Santa today.  Ben has been bugging me for days so he can go tell Santa he wants Spike the Dinosaur.  We also went to pick out their new bunk beds last weekend, a generous Christmas gift from my in-laws.  We should be able to pick them up today or tomorrow.  It’s good because Ben has grown about an inch in the last month and his toddler bed is WAY too small for him now, he’ll be much more comfortable in his new bed.  As for Silas I’m not really sure how he is going to handle the transition from the crib to the new big bed.  I didn’t move Ben into a toddler bed until he was two.  Silas is 18 months and this will be a twin size bed so it will be a big change.  I think he will be ok but I’m thinking of keeping up the crib for a while, just in case.

As this job offer dangles in front of me Aaron and I are working at giving him more opportunity to “practice” taking care of the boys all day without my help.  It’s going to be a big adjustment as I’ve been doing this for four years and all day everyday will be new to him.  He already had to ask me three times this morning what time to pick Ben up from preschool.  I know he’ll get the hang of it.  He will do it differently from me and have his own style and ways of keeping organized but it will be good for all of us.  Even though I’m sad that I won’t be home with my babies all day, I am very excited to go back to work.  I’ m certain my time with the boys will be more precious, and that’s not a bad thing.

Poor Silas is getting over a cold or whatever it is that he gets every 6-8 weeks like clockwork.  Since he was born he gets severe congestion for a week or so and it sometimes turns into an ear infection.  No sign of an ear infection this time, and he slept through the night last night for the first time in a few days so that’s good.  Aaron and I each spent a night in the recliner with him because he gets so congested that laying flat in his crib isn’t conducive to his sleep.  So we’ve been tired for a few days but he seems on the mend so that’s good.

Hopefully my next post will be good news!

Great news!

Yesterday I got a surprise!  The job interview I had 3 weeks ago…the one I had pretty much thrown in the towel on because it had been so long and I hadn’t heard anything…called and I have a potential job offer!  She told me that they were very impressed with me and I thought I had a lot to offer for the position.  The only concern she had was the commute (the position is in Jackson).  She didn’t want it to interfere with my attendance or ability to do the job, especially since that stretch of I-94 can be treacherous during the winter months (which I’ve experienced firsthand many times over nine years of traveling back to Jackson).  I assured her that it would not be a problem…there is a definite possibility we could move to Jackson and in the meantime I have plenty of places to stay overnight if need be.  She seemed satisfied with that and told me she couldn’t give me an official offer yet but just needed to call my references and get the paperwork approved by the higher-ups and would be in touch.  I am SO excited!!!

My mind has been spinning incessantly since that phone call.  We’ve pretty much decided that if the offer comes through we will definitely be moving.  It’s going to be a bit of a pain until that actually happens, and I will most likely have to be spending the majority of the week away from my babies.  That breaks my heart a little, but I know it’s only temporary and I know it’s for the best.  We’ll have to find an apartment and fix our current house up enough to where we can rent it out.  There’s just no way we can sell it in this market without a loss, especially since we just refinanced and borrowed money to remodel the kitchen earlier this year.  So, I’m sure there will be some road bumps along the way, but once it’s all settled I think we’ll be really happy.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me that the offer comes through!  I really need this job!

Let Grateful Days Be Endless

Grateful for each hand we hold
Gathered round this table.
From far and near we travel home,
Blessed that we are able.

Grateful for this sheltered place
With light in every window,
Saying “welcome, welcome, share this feast
Come in away from sorrow.”

Father, mother, daughter, son,
Neighbor, friend and friendless;
All together everyone in the gift of loving-kindness.

Grateful for what’s understood,
And all that is forgiven;
We try so hard to be good,
To lead a life worth living.

Father, mother, daughter, son,
Neighbor, friend, and friendless;
All together everyone, let grateful days be endless.

Grateful for each hand we hold
Gathered round this table.

Thanksgiving Song-Mary Chapin Carpenter


Day #10

Today I am most thankful for my education.  I may not have chosen a profession that will make me rich, but at least I will always be able to fall back on something I know I love and am good at.

I also have another job interview on Monday…wish me luck!!

Day #9-Music

Today I am thankful for music…as I be-bop in my chair to some Dave Matthews while I write this.  Anyone who knows me knows that music is a part of me.  I’m sure I could live without it but life would be much more boring.  I’ve always loved music as my mother will tell you stories about me singing in my high chair.  I love all kinds of music, from rock to blues to rap to classical…you name it I’m sure there is at least one example of it on my Ipod.  I love to sing.  I love good vocals, lyrics, a wicked guitar riff, a piano solo, an intricate bass line.  All of it.  It inspires me, improves my mood, makes me feel better when I am down.  I’m also thankful that I’ve unconsciously passed my love of music to my boys…I think they’ve got some natural talent too.  Ben can sing on pitch and memorize melodies and lyrics pretty darn well for a 4-year-old.  I think Silas is going to be our rhythm section, he loves a good beat and loves to dance.  I’ve been singing to them since they were in my belly and boy am I glad I did that…it’s a sure bet that singing them lullabies will soothe them to sleep.  I think music is one of the greatest gifts.

Day #8-Little Things

Today I am thankful for little things.  The things that might seem small, and insignificant, but that somehow make everyday life more enjoyable, or at least easier to manage.  Here is a list of some examples:

Hot showers, bubble baths, and hot tubs


Dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers

Running water

Cruise control

Disposable diapers

Things that smell good like candles, perfume, soap, shampoo, etc.

Manicures and pedicures


Cable TV and the internet


The sound of children laughing



Day #6 and 7

Yikes I am really slacking at this aren’t I?

Today I am thankful for sleeping in until 11am because the kids are at grandma’s house (insane I know, I can’t remember the last time I slept that late), a clean house, and beautiful late November days with warm sunshine, clear blue skies, and temps warm enough that I can open the windows and let in the fresh air!

That’s three I know, but it’s a good day!!

Day #5-Seasons

Today I am thankful for seasons.  I’m so glad to live in a place where we get to fully experience all four of them.

My favorite season is definitely spring.  After the snow melts and the ground starts to thaw and the crocuses, tulips, and daffodils start to bloom is a heavenly time.  That first day where you are able to sit out and enjoy the sun and the sky is perfectly blue is the day I wait for every year.  It’s like a new beginning in so many ways.  And I love the smell of spring too, that sweet, warm, new smell makes me open up all the windows (even if it’s still a little too chilly for my family).

Summer of course is awesome, who doesn’t like summer?  It’s warm and sunny most of the time, you can spend as much time as you want outside.  Camping, swimming, barbecues, the beach…I can’t get enough!  And how many people do you know who spend thousands and travel many miles to get to summer weather in the dead of winter?  And thunderstorms…oh how I love thunderstorms.  I’ve actually taught my children not to be afraid of thunderstorms by taking them outside while they are happening…don’t worry I keep them on our covered porch and take them in when it’s looking dangerous but it works!  They love them as much as I do.

Fall is amazing too!  Crisp air, warm sun, cool nights, leaves falling, pumpkins, apples, orchards.  I pity anyone who doesn’t get to experience it.

My least favorite is winter, but there are good things about it.  The first snow is always pretty and those days where the sun shines and everything sparkles are wonderful.  I love snow more now that I have children…I cannot wait for Silas to see the snow this year!  He was too young to know last year, I’m sure he will adore it like his brother does.  Sledding and ice skating are always fun.  I guess I just don’t care for all of the cold, lack of sunshine, and the snow makes travel difficult.  We live in that Michigan snow belt where we get all the lake effect snow and there have been winters here that were unbelievable in the amount of snowfall.  I’m one of those people who suffers from the winter blues (I believe the technical term is seasonal depression) so the winter months are rough on me, especially after the holidays end.  I just try to walk it off though and know that spring is on the way.

Day #3 and 4

Oops…forgot to write an entry yesterday.  Well actually I didn’t forget I just didn’t have time.  I knew writing everyday would be a challenge!  I’ll do two today to make up for it.

Today I am thankful for my health.  I am especially thankful right now because of just having gotten over the flu.  Being ill is not fun, I can’t stand not feeling up to doing the things I normally do everyday.  I often think about people who are chronically ill and how difficult everyday life must be for them.  My health is something I do often take for granted and I think many other people do too.

Something else I’m thankful for that sort of goes along with that is our family YMCA membership.  We’ve discussed getting rid of this because of our current financial situation, but decided we will figure something out.  It’s something that we all need, not just for our physical health, but our mental health as well.  It’s somewhere we can go (especially in the winter when outdoor exercise is more difficult) to work out, blow off steam, or have fun with the kids.  I feel it’s a good place for the kids to go, we’ve gotten used to going there on a regular basis and it has started to feel like more of a community for us, not just a gym.

While I’m on the subject and to give an update the boys are doing great at their swim classes!  They both accomplished new things yesterday: Ben swam his entire class with only one small floaty cube (he usually has either one big one or two small ones) and his teacher thinks he’ll be swimming on his own very soon; and Silas learned to climb into the water on his belly all by himself.  He’s mastered climbing out but yesterday was his first time climbing in on his own.  His teacher thinks he will be able to move to the next level earlier than most children too, especially since he exhibits such independence.  So proud of my little fishes!

Day #2- My Home

Today I am most thankful for my home.  Aaron and I bought our house 71/2 years ago, shortly before we got married.  We bought it as a fixer-upper but unfortunately we haven’t quite got around to “fixing” it up as much as we would have liked.  We’ve done a lot to it, but once we had children time and money became an issue.  The best part about our house is the location…it’s private and woodsy yet not far from much of anything.  Downtown is about 2.5 miles away and a shopping area about the same distance.  Last summer the Kal-Haven trail, which runs from downtown Kalamazoo all the way to South Haven on Lake Michigan (about 43 miles or so) was extended so that it runs directly across from our house.  So all we have to do is walk across the street to a wooded trail to walk, ride, or run.

I’ve been thinking about how much I love this house a lot lately because of the fact we may need to move out of it at some point, depending on where employment takes us.  We have so many memories here and I’ll be very sad to leave it if that is what ends up happening.  We got married while we lived in this house.  We entertained endless amounts of friends and family here.  We brought our children home from the hospital here and have watched them grow and play in the back yard.

Our home isn’t perfect.  It’s small and only has one closet.  The roof leaks, despite the fact that it’s only about 5 years old.  Aaron put the roof on himself with a little help from friends and family, but he didn’t have time to fix it completely because it took FOREVER to remove the 3 layers of roof that were previously there (which is most definitely not up to code) which was crumbling and a horror to clean up (I know because I cleaned it up).  So there are a few leaky spots.  We have mice.  We still have some ugly wood paneling that needs to be replaced with drywall.  We need a new drain field and I shudder every time I think about the hole that’s going to put in our pockets.  It’s in an industrial area and the trucks are very loud during the day.  But, it’s warm and cozy and lived in.  It’s home and I am thankful for it.

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